前总统特朗普声称,在宾夕法尼亚州的一次集会上,由于据称有人企图暗杀,一张移民图救了他一命。 Former President Trump claims an immigration chart saved his life during a Pennsylvania rally due to an alleged assassination attempt.
美国前总统特朗普声称, 在宾夕法尼亚州的一次集会上, 一张详细介绍美国与墨西哥边境过境的移民图表在暗杀企图中挽救了他的生命. Former President Donald Trump claims an immigration chart detailing U.S.-Mexico border crossings saved his life during an assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally. 他经常使用图表作为宣传更严格边境措施的运动工具,该图表显示,拜登总统与他本人的政府相比,在拜登总统领导下的遭遇有所增加。 He frequently uses the chart, which shows increased encounters under President Biden compared to his own administration, as a campaign tool advocating for stricter border measures. 批评者强调其不准确性,包括Trump的家庭分离政策的疏漏和不正确的离境日期标签。 Critics highlight its inaccuracies, including omissions of Trump's family separation policy and incorrect labeling of his departure date.