南部73个濒危居民虎鲸仍然存在,与Chinook鲑鱼的可获性有关。 73 endangered southern resident killer whales remain, linked to Chinook salmon availability.
鲸鱼研究中心的普查显示,在不列颠哥伦比亚省和华盛顿州附近濒临灭绝的南部居民虎鲸数量已减少到 73 头,此前失去了三头鲸鱼:两头成年雄性和一头雄性幼鲸。 A census by the Centre for Whale Research revealed that the endangered southern resident killer whale population off British Columbia and Washington has decreased to 73, following the loss of three whales: two adult males and one male calf. 调查强调,鲸鱼的生存与Chinook鲑鱼的供应密切相关,强调如果不增加猎物的供应,鲸鱼的恢复是不可能的。 The survey highlighted that the whales' survival is closely linked to the availability of Chinook salmon, emphasizing that their recovery is unlikely without increased prey availability. 调查结果已提交美国海洋大气署。 The findings were submitted to the U.S. NOAA.