法院命令VIO停止扣押车辆,保护机动车辆权利和正当程序。 Court orders VIO to cease impounding vehicles, protecting motorist rights and due process.
法院已发布命令,阻止车辆检查办公室(VIO)拦截、扣押或没收车辆。 A court has issued an order preventing the Vehicle Inspection Office (VIO) from stopping, impounding, or confiscating vehicles. 这项裁决是一项重要的法律干预,旨在保护机动车驾驶员不受VIO可能超过的损害。 This ruling comes as a significant legal intervention aimed at protecting motorists from potential overreach by the VIO. 该决定旨在维护车辆所有者的权利,确保车辆监管执法过程的正当程序。 The decision is intended to uphold the rights of vehicle owners and ensure due process in vehicle regulation enforcement.