宾夕法尼亚州森特县 (Centre County, Pennsylvania) 在联合公墓 (Union Cemetery) 为当地居民无人认领的火化遗骸设立了骨灰安置所。 Centre County, Pennsylvania dedicates a columbarium for unclaimed cremated remains of local residents at Union Cemetery.
宾夕法尼亚州森特县 (Centre County) 在联合公墓 (Union Cemetery) 为当地居民无人认领的火化遗骸设立了一个新的骨灰堂。 Centre County, Pennsylvania, has dedicated a new columbarium at Union Cemetery for unclaimed cremated remains of local residents. 十月二日举行的开幕典礼共安葬了 40 多个骨灰瓮,骨灰安置所可容纳 160 人。 The inaugural ceremony on October 2 interred over 40 urns, with the columbarium holding a capacity of 160. 在社区和美国救援计划资源的资助下,它向前首席副验尸官Judy Pleskonko致敬。 Funded by the community and American Rescue Plan resources, it honors former Chief Deputy Coroner Judy Pleskonko. 这些遗骸以前由县储存,将按可能的索赔者分类。 The remains were previously stored by the county and will be catalogued for potential claimants.