在新斯科舍省埃斯卡索尼,2名青年因单独在学校对社交媒体进行射击威胁而被捕;没有公共安全风险,被控威胁。 2 youths in Eskasoni, Nova Scotia arrested for separate school shooting threats on social media; no public safety risk, charged with uttering threats.
新斯科舍省Eskasoni的两名青年因在社交媒体上分别威胁学校射击而被捕。 Two youths in Eskasoni, Nova Scotia, have been arrested for making separate threats of school shootings on social media. 加拿大皇家骑警(RCMP)确认没有公共安全风险,并指控个人发出威胁。 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) confirmed no public safety risk and charged the individuals with uttering threats. 他们被捕的当天,据报他们受到威胁,在有条件获释后,他们定于2024年12月10日出庭。 They were arrested on the same day the threats were reported and are set to appear in court on December 10, 2024, after being released with conditions.