爱丁堡动物园东北5岁的Cheetah Cleo死亡,原因正在调查中。 5-year-old northeastern cheetah Cleo at Edinburgh Zoo dies, cause under investigation.
Cleo是爱丁堡动物园东北5岁的猎豹, 10月2日从富塔野生动物公园抵达两个月后死亡。 Cleo, a five-year-old northeastern cheetah at Edinburgh Zoo, died on October 2, two months after arriving from Fota Wildlife Park. 这是动物园24年来第一只猎豹 This was the zoo's first cheetah in 24 years. 虽然怀疑肝功能衰竭,但在验尸后仍在调查确切原因。 While liver failure is suspected, the exact cause is still under investigation following a post-mortem. 皇家动物学会表示哀悼,强调Cleo对工作人员和来访者的积极影响。 The Royal Zoological Society expressed condolences, highlighting Cleo's positive impact on staff and visitors. 由于各种环境威胁,东北猎豹面临人口下降。 Northeastern cheetahs face declining populations due to various environmental threats.