19岁的Brian Gray因谋杀兰开斯特县68岁室友Michael Pfender 被判15-40年徒刑。 19-year-old Brian Gray sentenced to 15-40 years for 3rd-degree murder of 68-year-old roommate, Michael Pfender, in Lancaster County.
Brian D. Gray, 19岁,来自兰开斯特县,因2023年12月其68岁室友Michael Pfender被殴打致死,承认犯有三级谋杀罪,被判15至40年徒刑。 Brian D. Gray, a 19-year-old from Lancaster County, was sentenced to 15 to 40 years in prison after pleading guilty to third-degree murder for the December 2023 beating death of his 68-year-old roommate, Michael Pfender. 袭击源自一个论点,Gray最初试图在自首之前隐瞒罪行。 The attack stemmed from an argument, and Gray initially attempted to conceal the crime before turning himself in. 他在法庭上表示悔恨,并要求在监禁期间接受职业培训,法官鼓励他康复。 He expressed remorse in court and requested vocational training during his incarceration, with the judge encouraging his rehabilitation.