正如美国航天局的U2型间谍飞机观测所显示的,热带雷暴在一半以上的事件发生时射出伽马射线。 Tropical thunderstorms emit gamma rays in over half of occurrences, as revealed by NASA U2 spy plane observations.
最近的研究表明,热带雷暴比以前想象的更频繁地射出伽马射线,观测显示,一半以上的暴风雨产生这种高能辐射。 Recent studies indicate that tropical thunderstorms emit gamma rays more frequently than previously thought, with observations revealing that over half of these storms generate this high-energy radiation. 研究人员利用美国航天局的U2间谍飞机,探测到伽马射线排放物,可能有助于解释闪电发射的原因。 Using a NASA U2 spy plane, researchers detected gamma-ray emissions that may help explain lightning initiation. 调查结果显示,雷暴是复杂的辐射源,改变了我们对辐射源动态和与宇宙现象相互作用的理解。 The findings suggest thunderstorms act as complex sources of radiation, reshaping our understanding of their dynamics and interactions with cosmic phenomena.