Topaz能源公司同意与Tourmaline石油公司进行278.2M美元的交易,其艾伯塔和不列颠哥伦比亚省土地拥有3%的特许使用费,面积3M英亩。 Topaz Energy Corp. agrees to a $278.2M deal with Tourmaline Oil Corp. for a 3% royalty in their Alberta and BC lands, spanning 3M acres.
Topaz能源公司与Tourmaline石油公司签订了一项价值2.782亿美元的协议,要求该公司在艾伯塔和不列颠哥伦比亚省Tourmaline的土地上拥有超过特许权使用费的利息。 Topaz Energy Corp. has entered a $278.2 million agreement with Tourmaline Oil Corp. for a gross overriding royalty interest in Tourmaline's lands in Alberta and British Columbia. 该交易覆盖约 300 万英亩土地,主要位于蒙特尼、阿尔伯塔省深海盆地和和平河地区,其中天然气特许权使用费为 3%,原油和凝析油特许权使用费为 2.5%。 The deal covers approximately three million acres, primarily in the Montney, Alberta Deep Basin, and Peace River regions, with a 3% royalty on natural gas and 2.5% on crude oil and condensate. 此外,Tourmaline 已完成对 Crew Energy Inc. 的 14 亿美元收购。 Additionally, Tourmaline has finalized its $1.4 billion acquisition of Crew Energy Inc.