美国职业棒球联盟与斯特劳斯合作,在2024年季后赛 (4个赛季) 首次发布头盔广告. MLB partners with STRAUSS for first helmet advertisement in 2024 playoffs (4 seasons).
大联盟 (MLB) 与德国工作服公司STRAUSS合作,在2024年的季后赛中在其击球头盔上展示其标志,标志着MLB历史上头盔上的第一个品牌广告. Major League Baseball (MLB) has partnered with German workwear company STRAUSS to feature its logo on batting helmets during the 2024 playoffs, marking the first brand advertisement on helmets in MLB history. 这一赞助将持续四个决赛季,并将从2025年开始扩大到小型联盟头盔。 This sponsorship will last for four playoff seasons and will extend to minor league helmets starting in 2025. 尽管一些球迷对此举提出批评,但该标志也将在三年内出现在欧洲举行的MLB比赛中. The logo will also appear in MLB games held in Europe for three years, despite some fan criticism regarding the move.