1200 万观众观看了阿拉巴马州战胜佐治亚州的比赛,这是自 2017 年以来收视率最高的常规赛黄金时段大学橄榄球比赛。 12 million viewers watched Alabama's win over Georgia, the most-watched regular-season prime-time college football game since 2017.
阿拉巴马队以41比34击败佐治亚州的比赛在ABC和ESPN的流媒体平台上平均吸引了1200万观众,使其成为自2017年以来最受关注的常规赛黄金时段大学足球比赛. Alabama's 41-34 win over Georgia attracted an average of 12 million viewers on ABC and ESPN's streaming platforms, making it the most-watched regular-season prime-time college football game since 2017. 在比赛期间,顶峰观众达到1 410万人。 The peak audience reached 14.1 million during the game. 这场胜利使阿拉巴马州从第 1 位上升。 This victory moved Alabama from No. 4 到 No。 4 to No. AP 前25名第1名,格鲁吉亚从第二名降至第五名。 1 in the AP Top 25, while Georgia fell from second to fifth. 这场比赛也记录了ESPN 最流畅的定期赛大学足球赛。 The game also set a record as ESPN's most-streamed regular-season college football event.