在Virginia水族馆的诊断过程中,Monty意外死亡。 Harbour seal Monty unexpectedly dies during a diagnostic procedure at Virginia Aquarium.
蒙蒂是弗吉尼亚水族馆珍爱的港湾海豹,在诊断过程中意外死亡。 Monty, a cherished harbor seal at the Virginia Aquarium, has died unexpectedly during a diagnostic procedure. 水族馆工作人员对他去世深表悲痛,强调蒙蒂与来访者和工作人员的纽带。 The aquarium staff expressed deep sorrow over his passing, highlighting the bond Monty had with both visitors and staff. 他的死亡标志着水族馆社区的重大损失,该社区庆祝了蒙蒂在教育和养护努力中的作用。 His death marks a significant loss for the aquarium community, which had celebrated Monty's role in education and conservation efforts.