66岁的Madonna与男友Akeem Morris在伦敦参加切尔西足球比赛, 66-year-old Madonna attended a Chelsea football game in London with boyfriend Akeem Morris, celebrating the win and hinting at new music.
66岁的Madonna 在伦敦的 Chelsea足球赛上 和她28岁的男朋友Akeem Morris在一起 Madonna, 66, was seen at a Chelsea football game in London with her 28-year-old boyfriend, Akeem Morris. 这对夫妇自2023年7月以来就浪漫地联系在一起, 在社交媒体上分享他们的兴奋, 庆祝切尔西的胜利。 The couple, who have been linked romantically since July 2023, shared their excitement on social media, celebrating Chelsea's win. 麦当娜暗示有新音乐 说她又回到演播室了 Madonna hinted at new music, noting she is back in the studio. 纽约市居民和足球运动员 Akeem 经常出现在麦当娜的帖子中,展示他们的亲密关系。 Akeem, a New York City resident and soccer player, has frequently appeared in Madonna's posts, showcasing their close relationship.