27岁的乔纳森·比兹利亚于9月27日在犹他州威拉德峰附近的飞跳事故中死亡. 27-year-old Jonathan Bizilia died in a wingsuit base jump crash near Willard Peak, Utah, on September 27.
美国阿拉巴马州的27岁男子乔纳森·比兹利亚 (Jonathan Bizilia) 在9月27日从犹他州的威拉德山峰跳下身亡. Jonathan Bizilia, a 27-year-old from Alabama, died during a wingsuit base jump from Willard Peak in Utah on September 27. 在他未能与一位朋友联系后,地方当局进行了搜查,发现他的尸体位于地势困难的山峰西北一英里处。 After he failed to check in with a friend, a search was initiated by local authorities, which located his body about a mile northwest of the peak in difficult terrain. Box 长老县警察局证实他在坠机中受伤死亡,并向其家人和朋友表示哀悼。 The Box Elder County Sheriff's Office confirmed he died from injuries sustained in the crash and expressed condolences to his family and friends.