身着米妮老鼠服装的员工在度假胜地吸烟的病毒式 TikTok 视频引发了家长的愤怒。 Viral TikTok video of Minnie Mouse-costumed employee smoking at holiday resort sparks parental outrage.
一段病毒式的 TikTok 视频显示,一名打扮成米妮老鼠的男子在度假胜地抽烟休息,口罩被掀开。 A viral TikTok video shows a man dressed as Minnie Mouse taking a cigarette break at a holiday resort, with his mask lifted. 这段影片浏览次数超过800万次, 引起家长的愤怒, 他们觉得这玷污了性格的形象。 The clip, viewed over eight million times, has sparked outrage among parents who felt it tarnished the character's image. 反应各有不同, 有些发现幽默, 比较他与名人, 其他人则表示沮丧, 并发誓避免拥抱迪士尼乐园的角色。 Reactions have varied, with some finding humor and comparing him to celebrities, while others expressed dismay and vowed to avoid hugging the character at Disneyland. 一些评论者为雇员休息的权利辩护。 Some commenters defended the employee's right to take a break.