Travis Kelce 主持新的名人琐事游戏节目“你比名人聪明吗? Travis Kelce hosts new celebrity trivia game show "Are You Smarter Than a Celebrity?"
Travis Kelce将主持一个新的游戏节目,题为“你比名人聪明吗?” Travis Kelce is set to host a new game show titled "Are You Smarter Than a Celebrity?" 已经发布了该节目的预告片,展示了节目的格式和名人嘉宾. A trailer for the show has been released, showcasing its format and celebrity guests. 该方案旨在通过以有趣和有吸引力的方式测试名人的知识来娱乐观众。 The program aims to entertain viewers by testing the knowledge of celebrities in a fun and engaging way. 节目承诺将幽默与竞争相结合, 吸引Kelce和游戏节目的球迷。 The show promises a mix of humor and competition, appealing to fans of both Kelce and game shows.