旅游发现频道和应用程序Compass.tv, 提供超过一千小时的旅游视频和直接预订, 为千一代和Z世代推出. Travel discovery channel and app Compass.tv, featuring over a thousand hours of travel videos and direct booking, launches for Millennials and Gen Z.
NextTrip 推出了 Compass.tv,这是一个旅游发现频道和应用程序,拥有超过 1000 小时的旅游视频。 NextTrip has launched Compass.tv, a travel discovery channel and app featuring over a thousand hours of travel videos. 该平台针对千禧一代和 Z 世代,允许用户直接通过其 Booking Engine 预订假期。 Targeting Millennials and Gen Z, the platform allows users to book vacations directly through its Booking Engine. 它与 Paul Barbato 和 INSIGHT TV 等影响者和工作室合作,提供多样化的内容。 It partners with influencers and studios like Paul Barbato and INSIGHT TV to deliver diverse content. 目前,通过iOS、Android和网络浏览器,可得到Compass.tv, 计划扩大至Roku、苹果电视和亚马逊消防电视。 Compass.tv is currently available on iOS, Android, and web browsers, with plans to expand to Roku, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire TV.