罗德·斯图尔特 (Rod Stewart) 和彭妮·兰卡斯特 (Penny Lancaster) 出席了在伦敦举行的 WellChild 颁奖典礼,以消除婚姻不和的谣言。 Rod Stewart and Penny Lancaster attended the WellChild Awards in London to dispel marital discord rumors.
罗德·斯图尔特 (Rod Stewart) 和彭妮·兰开斯特 (Penny Lancaster) 出席了在伦敦举行的 WellChild 颁奖典礼,消除了婚姻不和的谣言。 Rod Stewart and Penny Lancaster attended the WellChild Awards in London, dispelling rumors of marital discord. 这对夫妇自2007年起结婚,并在一起生活了20多年,确认他们对住所没有异议。 The couple, married since 2007 and together for over two decades, confirmed they have no disagreements regarding their residences. 他们在不同的国家维持住房,并优先保持连接,确保他们分开不超过10天。 They maintain homes in different countries and prioritize staying connected, ensuring they are apart for no more than ten days. 他们的儿子Alastair和他们一起参加了这次活动,向重病儿童及其家人致敬。 Their son, Alastair, joined them at the event, which honors seriously ill children and their families.