吉尔·马丁与NBA/WNBA合作, 推出乳腺癌宣传月的服装系列, 造福巴塞尔BRCA中心. Jill Martin partners with NBA/WNBA, launches clothing line for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, benefiting the Basser Center for BRCA.
Jill Martin,一位乳腺癌幸存者,与NBA和WNBA乳腺癌意识月合作,于10月1日由Jill Martin推出她的服装线。 Jill Martin, a breast cancer survivor, has partnered with the NBA and WNBA for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, launching her clothing line, By Jill Martin, on October 1. 该系列以带有粉红色标志的夏尔巴人为特色,收益将捐给 Basser Center for BRCA。 The line features sherpas with pink logos, with proceeds benefiting the Basser Center for BRCA. 该倡议旨在提高对乳腺癌和遗传测试的认识,特别是与BRCA基因突变有关的认识,强调了解癌症风险的重要性。 The initiative aims to raise awareness about breast cancer and genetic testing, particularly related to the BRCA gene mutation, emphasizing the importance of understanding cancer risk.