杰西·波拉克,前Base实验室联合创始人,被任命为Coinbase钱包团队的增长领导人. Jesse Pollak, former Base Labs co-founder, appointed as Coinbase Wallet team leader for growth.
Jesse Pollak, 基地实验室的共同创始人, 被任命领导Coinbase钱包团队。 Jesse Pollak, co-founder of Base Labs, has been appointed to lead the Coinbase Wallet team. 他希望提升平台的使命, 吸引10亿用户和100万开发者加入区块链技术. He aims to enhance the platform's mission of attracting one billion users and one million developers to blockchain technology. 在他的领导下,Coinbase钱包计划将后勤基地的更多原则纳入其业务,同时与更广泛的连锁经济接触。 Under his leadership, Coinbase Wallet plans to integrate more principles from Base into its operations while engaging with the broader on-chain economy.