印度总编辑和同事因据称张贴关于VK Singh的诽谤性内容而被捕。 Indian editor-in-chief and colleague arrested for allegedly posting defamatory content about VK Singh.
包括YouTube新闻门户主编在内的两人在印度被捕,据称他们张贴了有关前陆军总司令和联盟部长VK Singh的诽谤性材料。 Two individuals, including the editor-in-chief of a YouTube news portal, have been arrested in India for allegedly posting defamatory material about former Army chief and Union minister VK Singh. Singh的申诉指称有关未付租金的虚假申诉,促使逮捕。 Singh's complaint, alleging false claims regarding unpaid rent, prompted the arrests. 该案正在调查诽谤、故意侮辱和共谋犯罪案件,预计将对涉案者采取进一步行动。 The case is under investigation for defamation, intentional insult, and criminal conspiracy, with further actions expected against those involved.