圭亚那与Bell Textron签订1 600万美元的合同,为2架高级直升机提供1 600万美元的合同,以提高GDF的能力。 Guyana signs $16m contract with Bell Textron for 2 advanced helicopters to boost GDF capabilities.
圭亚那与Bell Trextron公司签订了一项1 600万美元的合同,为两架高级直升机支援圭亚那国防军(GDF)。 Guyana has signed a $16 million contract with Bell Textron Inc. for two advanced helicopters to bolster the Guyana Defence Force (GDF). 这些飞机将加强全球防卫部队在搜索和救援、救灾和边境安全方面的能力。 These aircraft will enhance GDF capabilities in search and rescue, disaster relief, and border security. 该协定包括来自Bell Trextron的培训和维持支助,反映了圭亚那与美国之间的牢固伙伴关系,美国在该区域进行了大量投资。 The agreement includes training and maintenance support from Bell Textron and reflects the strong partnership between Guyana and the United States, which has invested significantly in the region.