前ABC流星学家Rob Marciano曾因不当行为被开除,现受雇于CBS新闻社。 Former ABC meteorist Rob Marciano, previously fired for misconduct, is hired by CBS News.
CBS新闻公司雇用了ABC新闻的前气象学家Rob Marciano, 4月因对美国早安制片人发脾气而被解雇。 Rob Marciano, former meteorologist for ABC News, has been hired by CBS News after being fired in April due to an angry outburst towards a Good Morning America producer. 在他被解雇之前,他的行为遭到了多次投诉,包括之前导致 GMA 工作室被禁止的问题。 His dismissal followed multiple complaints about his behavior, including prior issues that led to a ban from GMA's studio. 在 CBS,他将加入由 ABC 前高管温迪·费舍尔 (Wendy Fisher) 领导的不断扩大的天气网络。 At CBS, he will join its expanding weather network, led by former ABC executive Wendy Fisher. 他在CBS新闻的首映日期仍不确定。 The date of his debut on CBS News remains uncertain.