加利福尼亚州第四大野火 Chico's Park Fire 在两个月后得到完全控制。 Chico's Park Fire, California's fourth-largest wildfire, fully contained after two months.
加利福尼亚州奇科的公园大火在经过两个多月的控制后已被完全扑灭,使其成为该州第四大野火。 The Park Fire in Chico, California, has been fully extinguished after over two months of containment, marking it as the state's fourth-largest wildfire. 加州消防局宣布,截至周五,火势已完全得到控制,自周一以来没有报告任何活动。 Cal Fire announced the fire was completely contained as of Friday, and there has been no reported activity since Monday. 这标志着该地区一场重大野火事件的结束。 This signifies the conclusion of a major wildfire event in the area.