Castify.ai与《马尼拉时报》合作在亚洲市场传播CTV内容。 partners with The Manila Times for CTV content distribution in the Asian market.
Castify.ai是一个CTV内容发行平台, 与菲律宾最古老的国家日报《马尼拉时报》合作,, a CTV content distribution platform, has partnered with The Manila Times, the Philippines' oldest national daily newspaper, marking its entry into the Asian market. 这一合作将开发各大平台和移动应用程序的专用连通电视应用程序,加强《马尼拉时报》的数字存在。 This collaboration will develop tailored Connected TV applications across major platforms and a mobile app, enhancing The Manila Times' digital presence. 该伙伴关系旨在扩大该报的读者范围,并增加利用各种设备报道新闻的机会。 The partnership aims to expand the newspaper's audience and improve access to its journalism on various devices.