亿万富翁马克·库班认为人工智能可能需要十年才能达到小狗的解决问题的能力. Billionaire Mark Cuban suggests it may take a decade for AI to match a small puppy's problem-solving skills.
与人工智能(AI)相比,古巴的狗目前拥有更好的解决问题技能, 这表明AI可能需要十年时间才能掌握一小只小狗的智力。 Billionaire Mark Cuban claims that dogs currently possess superior problem-solving skills compared to artificial intelligence (AI), suggesting it may take a decade for AI to achieve the intelligence of a small puppy. 他强调了人工智能在理解物理世界的局限性,主要依赖于文本数据. He highlighted AI's limitations in understanding the physical world, relying mainly on text data. 尽管他担心, 库巴人支持增加人工智能投资, 强调它对美国军事和经济实力的重要性. Despite his concerns, Cuban advocates for increased investment in AI, stressing its significance for the U.S. military and economic strength.