天文学家发现了一颗围绕比邻星运行的新系外行星,比邻星是离太阳最近的恒星。 Astronomers discover a new exoplanet orbiting Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our Sun.
天文学家已经确定了一颗围绕比邻星运行的新系外行星,比邻星是离太阳最近的单颗恒星。 Astronomers have identified a new exoplanet orbiting Proxima Centauri, the closest single star to our Sun. 这一发现使我们银河周边对外行星的兴趣日益浓厚,凸显了进一步探索和了解我们自身以外的行星系统的潜力。 This discovery adds to the growing interest in exoplanets within our galactic neighborhood, highlighting the potential for further exploration and understanding of planetary systems beyond our own. 该发现突出表明目前正在努力研究附近的恒星及其行星。 The find underscores ongoing efforts to study nearby stars and their planets.