Ashton Kutcher担心Sean“Diddy”combs可能错误地将他卷入性交易案。 Ashton Kutcher fears Sean "Diddy" Combs may falsely implicate him in sex trafficking case.
据报告,Ashton Kutcher担心,他的长期朋友Sean " Diddy " Combs面临包括性贩运在内的严重指控,可能错误地暗示他要获得较轻的刑罚。 Ashton Kutcher is reportedly concerned that his longtime friend Sean "Diddy" Combs, facing serious charges including sex trafficking, may falsely implicate him to secure a lighter sentence. Kutcher觉得自己被背叛了 被操纵了 导致他把社交圈限制在家庭 Kutcher feels betrayed and manipulated, leading him to limit his social circle to family. 虽然对这种情况感到恐惧,但如果有人接近他,他愿意与当局合作,并表示他“没有什么可隐瞒的”。 While frightened by the situation, he is willing to cooperate with authorities if approached, stating he has "nothing to hide."