Apple 宣布推出新的教育资源,包括“人人能创造”,并在世界教师日将资助范围扩大到另外 100 所学校。 Apple announces new educational resources, including "Everyone Can Create" and expanding grants to reach 100 more schools on World Teachers' Day.
在“世界教师日”上,苹果公司宣布了新的教育资源,包括创造性活动和扩大赠款,以加强教学和学习。 On World Teachers' Day, Apple announced new educational resources, including creative activities and expanded grants to enhance teaching and learning. “人人能够创造”方案为学生引入了参与项目,而教育补助金倡议将覆盖全球100所新学校,提供免费的STEAM方案。 The "Everyone Can Create" program introduces engaging projects for students, while the education grant initiative will reach 100 new schools globally, offering free STEAM programming. 苹果对教育的承诺旨在增强教师和学生的能力,适应数字储蓄一代的需要。 Apple's commitment to education aims to empower teachers and students, adapting to the needs of a digital-savvy generation.