白沙瓦高等法院就失踪人员案件和非法再次逮捕问题传唤首席部长Khyber Pakhtunkhwa。 Peshawar High Court summons Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister over missing persons case and illegal re-arrests.
关于失踪案的案件, 巴基斯坦的佩沙瓦高等法院 (PHC) 传召了开伯尔帕赫图克瓦省首席部长阿里·阿明·甘达普尔. The Peshawar High Court (PHC) in Pakistan summoned Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur regarding a missing persons case. 首席大法官对保释后非法再次逮捕表示关切,并强调遵守法院命令。 The Chief Justice expressed concern over illegal re-arrests after bail and emphasized adherence to court orders. Gandapur向法院保证,为防止出现此类问题,拟议对《警察法》进行修正。 Gandapur assured the court of proposed amendments to the Police Act to prevent such issues. 庭审暂停至10月21日,允许有时间修改立法。 The hearing was adjourned until October 21, allowing time for legislative changes.