新南威尔士州卫生当局指控私营保险人每年低付公共医院床位费用1.4亿美元。 NSW health authorities accuse private insurers of underpaying public hospital bed costs by $140m annually.
新南威尔士州(新南威尔士州)卫生当局称,私营医疗保险公司对公立医院床位费用支付不足,每年损失1.4亿美元。 New South Wales (NSW) health authorities allege that private health insurers are underpaying for public hospital bed costs, leading to an annual loss of $140 million. 在53个保险人中,44个遵守公平付款,而一些大型的营利保险人缴纳的保险费则少得多。 Of 53 insurers, 44 comply with fair payment, while some large, for-profit insurers contribute significantly less. 平均床位费用为每天1 075美元,政府向保险公司收取892美元。 The average bed cost is $1,075 per day, with the government charging insurers $892. 新南威尔士州官员警告说,这种将费用转给纳税人的做法是不可持续的,如果得不到解决,可能会促使采取进一步行动。 NSW officials warn that this cost-shifting to taxpayers is unsustainable and may prompt further action if unresolved.