NanoViricides 报告称,现金为 $4.97M,净资产为 $7.5M,但缺乏资金,无法在 2025 年 9 月之后运营。 NanoViricides reports $4.97M cash, $7.5M net assets, but lacks funding to operate beyond September 2025.
纳米病毒公司报告了2024年6月30日终了年度的财政结果,显示现金497万美元,净资产750万美元。 NanoViricides, Inc. reported its fiscal results for the year ending June 30, 2024, showing $4.97 million in cash and $7.5 million in net assets. 该公司动用了631万美元的现金,主要用于抗病毒药物NV-387的临床试验。 The company utilized $6.31 million in operating cash, primarily for clinical trials of its antiviral drug NV-387. 尽管在试验方面取得了进展,包括第一阶段a/Ib的安全性和对抗多种病毒的效力,但纳米病毒缺乏足够资金,无法在2025年9月之前运作,目前正在寻找其他筹资办法。 Despite progress in trials, including safety in Phase Ia/Ib and effectiveness against multiple viruses, NanoViricides lacks sufficient funding to operate through September 2025 and is seeking alternative financing options.