《Loose Women》主演奥利维亚·阿特伍德 (Olivia Attwood) 在小组调侃中与丈夫布拉德利·戴克 (Bradley Dack) 讨论她的生育问题。 "Loose Women" star Olivia Attwood, discussing her childbirth concerns with husband Bradley Dack amid panel teasing.
9 月 30 日,《Loose Women》的主演、前《Love Island》参赛者 Olivia Attwood 与丈夫 Bradley Dack 讨论了她想要孩子的愿望。 On September 30, Olivia Attwood, star of "Loose Women" and former "Love Island" contestant, discussed her desire to have children with husband Bradley Dack. 在现场表演期间,她觉得不舒服,因为小组成员在家庭计划上嘲笑她。 During the live show, she felt uncomfortable as panelists teased her about family plans. 奥利维亚透露了她对母性对她的身体、心理健康和职业抱负的影响的担忧,尽管她的丈夫渴望尽快组建家庭。 Olivia revealed her fears about the impact of motherhood on her body, mental health, and career aspirations, despite her husband's eagerness to start a family soon.