45万英镑分配给5个单位,用于Neagh湖的有毒蓝绿色藻类溶液,这是改善水质的37点行动计划的一部分。 £450k allocated to 5 orgs for toxic blue-green algae solution in Lough Neagh, part of a 37-point action plan to improve water quality.
北爱尔兰农业、环境和农村事务部向五个组织拨款45万英镑,以制定管理Neagh湖有毒蓝绿色藻类的解决办法。 The Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs has allocated £450,000 to five organizations to develop solutions for managing toxic blue-green algae in Lough Neagh. 这笔资金是旨在提高水质的更广泛的37点行动计划的一部分。 This funding is part of a broader 37-point action plan aimed at improving water quality. 选定的小组将探索超声波、机械和生物处理等技术,研究预计将持续到2025年3月。 The selected groups will explore techniques such as ultrasonics, mechanical, and biological treatments, with research expected to continue until March 2025.