爱尔兰的首相西蒙·哈里斯拒绝使用Farmleigh,理由是安全问题和儿童教育. Irish Taoiseach Simon Harris declines using Farmleigh, citing security concerns and children's education.
爱尔兰总理西蒙·哈里斯 (Simon Harris) 拒绝搬进总统官邸法姆利 (Farmleigh),理由是在持续的安全问题下可能会对他的孩子们造成干扰,包括据称他家受到骚扰和炸弹威胁。 Irish Taoiseach Simon Harris has declined to move into Farmleigh, the official presidential residence, citing potential disruption to his children amid ongoing security concerns, including alleged harassment and a bomb threat at his home. 虽然他承认随着子女长大,将来有可能正式居住,但他目前优先考虑他们的教育。 While he acknowledges the possibility of an official residence in the future as his children grow older, he currently prioritizes their education. Harris最近出现在Ryan Tubaridy的播客播客上, 讨论影响深远的书籍和个人经历。 Harris recently appeared on Ryan Tubridy's podcast to discuss impactful books and personal experiences.