FCA和英格兰银行推出数字证券沙箱,测试基于DLT的证券。 FCA and Bank of England launch Digital Securities Sandbox for testing DLT-based securities.
金融行为管理局和英格兰银行启动了数字证券沙箱,邀请各公司在受监管的证券发行和交易环境中测试新技术,包括分配分类账技术。 The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Bank of England have launched the Digital Securities Sandbox (DSS), inviting firms to test new technologies, including distributed ledger technology (DLT), in a regulated environment for issuing and trading securities. 开放给各种规模的公司,DSS旨在促进创新,提高效率,并保持英国作为金融中心的地位. Open to companies of all sizes, the DSS aims to promote innovation, enhance efficiency, and maintain the UK's status as a financial hub. 申请将接受至2027年底,沙箱运作至2028年12月。 Applications will be accepted until late 2027, with the sandbox operational until December 2028.