阿拉巴马州州长Kay Ivey宣布通过《重建阿拉巴马法案》为道路和桥梁项目提供310万美元的国家资金。 Alabama Governor Kay Ivey announces $3.1 million in state funding for road and bridge projects through the Rebuild Alabama Act.
阿拉巴马州州长Kay Ivey宣布通过阿拉巴马交通部年度赠款方案,为公路和桥梁项目提供310万美元的国家资金,该方案是2019年制定的《重建阿拉巴马法》的一部分。 Governor Kay Ivey of Alabama has announced $3.1 million in state funding for road and bridge projects via the Alabama Department of Transportation's Annual Grant Program, part of the Rebuild Alabama Act established in 2019. 这标志着第一年的供资超过了最低要求,在所有67个州为各种地方项目拨款1 500多万美元。 This marks the first year funding exceeded the minimum requirement, with over $15 million allocated for various local projects across all 67 counties. 该倡议旨在加强国家的基础设施和改善交通。 The initiative aims to enhance the state's infrastructure and improve transportation.