中国深圳在9月26日用无人机展示了两部吉尼斯世界纪录片, 涉及10,197架无人机。 Shenzhen, China, set two Guinness World Records with a drone show on September 26, involving 10,197 drones.
9 月 26 日,中国深圳在深圳湾公园举行的无人机表演中创造了两项吉尼斯世界纪录,共有 10,197 架无人机参加。 On September 26, Shenzhen, China, set two Guinness World Records during a drone show at Shenzhen Bay Park, featuring 10,197 drones. 记录是“大多数无人机同时从一台电脑上飞来” 和“无人机形成的最大的空中图像”。 The records were for "most drones airborne simultaneously from a single computer" and "largest aerial image formed by drones." 该展会是为期 7 天的国庆庆典的一部分,包括令人惊叹的视觉效果和为游客提供的优惠,例如低空飞行体验券和打折景点门票。 The show, part of a seven-day celebration for National Day, included stunning visuals and offers for tourists, such as low-altitude flight experience vouchers and discounted attraction tickets.