新罕布什尔检察总长办公室调查一名妇女在伊斯顿可疑死亡事件。 New Hampshire Attorney General's office investigates suspicious death of a woman in Easton.
新罕布什尔州总检察长办公室正在调查一名妇女在伊斯顿北峰道一家家中可疑死亡事件。 The New Hampshire Attorney General's office is investigating a suspicious death of a woman at a home on North Peak Drive in Easton. 虽然具体情况仍在审查之中,但官员们指出,目前对公共安全没有威胁。 While the exact circumstances are still under examination, officials have stated there is no current threat to public safety. 调查正在进行中,并将在出现新信息时提供最新情况。 The investigation is ongoing, and updates will be provided as new information arises. 9号新闻将继续报导这个故事。 News 9 will continue to cover this story.