Molly-Mae 海牙的服装线,Maebe, 面临高价和难以进入的批评。 Molly-Mae Hague's clothing line, Maebe, faces criticism for high prices and inaccessibility.
Molly-Mae Hague 的服装系列 Maebe 因其高昂的价格而受到粉丝的批评,包括 140 英镑的西装外套和 90 英镑的牛仔裤。 Molly-Mae Hague's clothing line, Maebe, has drawn criticism from fans for its high prices, including a £140 blazer and £90 jeans. 许多粉丝认为这些物品“价格过高”, 无法进入, 其他粉丝则认为价格反映质量, Many fans labeled the items as "overpriced" and inaccessible, while others defended the pricing as reflective of quality. 该系列是在 Molly-Mae 最近与 Tommy Fury 分手之际在社交媒体上宣布的,此次发布引起了对其价格和设计的褒贬不一的反应。 The collection was announced on social media amid Molly-Mae's recent breakup with Tommy Fury, and the launch has elicited mixed reactions regarding its affordability and design.