明尼苏达州揭开美国第一个闹鬼的大麻迷宫 吸引密歇根州的兴趣 Minnesota unveils the U.S.'s first haunted cannabis maze, attracting interest from Michigan.
明尼苏达州推出了美国第一个闹鬼的大麻迷宫,用大麻植物取代了传统的玉米秸秆。 Minnesota has launched the first haunted cannabis maze in the U.S., replacing traditional corn stalks with marijuana plants. 这种创新的吸引力吸引了密执安州的兴趣,密执安州是一个主要的大麻国家,由于其众多的大麻农场,有可能形成类似的迷宫。 This innovative attraction is drawing interest from Michigan, a leading cannabis state, which could potentially create a similar maze due to its numerous cannabis farms. 然而,目前在密歇根州没有这种吸引的计划,居民是否接受这一想法还有待观察。 However, there are currently no plans for such an attraction in Michigan, and it remains to be seen if residents would embrace the idea.