26岁的Shafiu Abdulkadir在阿达马瓦州被捕,假扮一名警官,向三轮汽车的操作者勒索钱财。 26-year-old Shafiu Abdulkadir, arrested in Adamawa State, impersonated a police officer and extorted money from tricycle operators.
26岁的Shafiu Abdulkadir在阿达马瓦州Yola North被捕,罪名是假扮一名警官,向三轮汽车的操作者勒索钱财。 Shafiu Abdulkadir, 26, was arrested in Yola North, Adamawa State, for impersonating a police officer and extorting money from tricycle operators. 他被捕时身穿警察迷彩服和贴有“特种部队”标签的衬衫。 He wore police camouflage and a shirt labeled 'Special Force' at the time of his arrest. 阿达马瓦州警察指挥部正在调查此案,预计Abdulkadir在调查后将在法庭上受到指控。 The Adamawa State Police Command is investigating the case, and Abdulkadir is expected to face charges in court following the investigation.