West Mason Street 和 Green Bay 的 U.S. 41 环形交叉路口的半卡车翻车导致车道临时关闭。 Semi-truck rollover at West Mason Street and U.S. 41 roundabout in Green Bay led to temporary lane closures.
格林湾 (Green Bay) 的 West Mason Street 和 U.S. 41 环形交叉路口发生半卡车翻车,导致车道临时关闭。 A semi-truck rollover at the West Mason Street and U.S. 41 roundabout in Green Bay led to temporary lane closures. 绿湾警察局建议司机在清扫工作于下午2时38分左右开始时避开该地区。 The Green Bay Police Department advised drivers to avoid the area while cleanup occurred, which started around 2:38 p.m. 此后,这些车道重新开放,警方将在必要时提供最新消息。 The lanes have since reopened, and the police will provide updates if necessary. 此外,在153号国家公路上又发生了一起事件,造成一人死亡,另一人住院。 Additionally, a separate incident on State Highway 153 resulted in one fatality and another person hospitalized.