印度马达雅邦警方使用夜视无人机在人口密的地区追踪一名强奸嫌疑人. Police in Madhya Pradesh used a night-vision drone to locate a rape suspect in a dense area.
在中央邦Harda区,警察部署了一架配备热成像的夜视无人机,以找到一名被控强奸一名5岁女孩的人。 In Harda district, Madhya Pradesh, police deployed a night-vision drone with thermal imaging to find a man accused of raping a five-year-old girl. 这架无人机来自中央邦电子发展公司,通过检测体温来帮助定位密集区域中的个体。 The drone, from the Madhya Pradesh Electronic Development Corporation, helps locate individuals in dense areas by detecting body heat. 尽管曾进行了搜寻努力,但嫌疑人在遭到袭击后发现女孩昏迷不醒后躲到无人驾驶飞机使用之前躲避了抓捕。 Despite previous search efforts, the suspect evaded capture until the drone's use, following the girl's discovery unconscious after the assault.