2个人供认在加利福尼亚州里弗塞德有暴力的刀剑攻击 砍断一个无家可归的人的手 2 individuals confessed to a violent sword attack severing a homeless man's hand in Riverside, California.
两人供认在加利福尼亚州里弗塞德参与暴力剑攻击,导致一名无家可归者的手被割断。 Two individuals have confessed to collaborating in a violent sword attack that resulted in the severing of a homeless man's hand in Riverside, California. 这次袭击突显了目前针对弱势民众的暴力问题。 The attack highlights ongoing issues of violence against vulnerable populations. 当局正在进一步调查此案,强调社区安全和支助无家可归者的必要性。 Authorities are investigating the case further, emphasizing the need for community safety and support for those experiencing homelessness.