111, Inc. 收到关于遵守ADS价格的Nasdaq通知。 111, Inc. receives Nasdaq notification about ADS price compliance.
医疗技术公司111 Inc.收到了纳斯达克的通知, 声明其美国存款股 (ADS) 已连续30个工作日低于1.00美元的最低出价价. 111, Inc., a Chinese healthcare tech company, received a Nasdaq notification stating its American Depositary Shares (ADSs) have been under the $1.00 minimum bid price for 30 consecutive business days. 该公司须在2025年3月24日之前恢复合规。 The company has until March 24, 2025, to regain compliance. 如果在此期间,ADS在连续十天内达到1美元,Nasdaq将确认遵守。 If the ADSs reach $1.00 for ten consecutive days during this period, Nasdaq will confirm compliance. 该公司的业务仍然不受影响,它计划密切监测其股份价格。 The company's operations remain unaffected, and it plans to monitor its share price closely.