Habitat Company 结束与 CHA 长达 40 年的合作伙伴关系,影响了 3,400 个公共住房单元。 Habitat Company ends 40-year partnership with CHA, affecting 3,400 public housing units.
The Habitat Company 将结束与芝加哥住房管理局 (CHA) 近 40 年的合作伙伴关系,影响 3,400 个公共住房单元。 The Habitat Company is ending its nearly 40-year partnership with the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA), affecting 3,400 public housing units. 9 月 6 日,Habitat 总裁拒绝了 CHA 延长管理合同的请求。 On September 6, Habitat's president declined CHA's request to extend management contracts. 由于很大一部分居民是老年人和残疾人,加拿大住房协会正在寻找新的财产管理人,以确保平稳过渡,减少居民可能受到的干扰。 With a significant portion of residents being seniors and individuals with disabilities, CHA is seeking new property managers to ensure a smooth transition and reduce potential disruptions for residents.