Candy Cloud in Rockford在9月底前提供有限时间的秋天饮料。 Candy Cloud in Rockford offers limited-time fall-inspired drinks until end of September.
罗克福德的 Candy Cloud 将在 9 月提供限时秋季风格的特色饮品系列,敦促顾客在被 10 月的新菜单取代之前尝试一下。 Candy Cloud in Rockford is offering a limited-time collection of fall-inspired specialty drinks for September, urging customers to try them before they’re replaced by a new October menu. 该机构位于 6286 E State St,以其红糖波巴和额外的波巴而闻名。 The establishment, located at 6286 E State St, is known for its brown sugar boba with extra boba. 九月的收藏品可提供到月底,因此这是享受这些季节性饮料的最后一次机会。 The September collection is available until the end of the month, making this a last chance to enjoy these seasonal beverages.