21 岁的母亲佐伊·温斯坦利 (Zoe Winstanley) 与自杀念头和产后抑郁症作斗争,在威根自杀身亡。 21-year-old mother Zoe Winstanley, struggling with suicidal thoughts and post-natal depression, died by suicide in Wigan.
Zoe Winstanley,21岁的母亲,被她的伴侣Bradley Marshall在Wigan的家中发现死亡,当时他们的儿子睡在附近。 Zoe Winstanley, a 21-year-old mother, was found dead by her partner, Bradley Marshall, at their home in Wigan, while their young son slept nearby. 一项调查证实她死于自杀,以自杀思想和产后抑郁症为例。 An inquest confirmed her death as a suicide, citing her struggles with suicidal thoughts and post-natal depression. 尽管她有一个支助网络,但有时她避免寻求帮助。 Despite having a supportive network, she sometimes avoided seeking help. 验尸官注意到她以前曾表示过自我伤害的意图,并赞扬Marshall为救她所作的努力。 The coroner noted her prior expressions of self-harm intentions and praised Marshall's efforts to save her.