最高法院驳回政府的治疗请求,维护GMR机场管理Nagpur机场的权利。 Supreme Court dismisses government's curative plea, upholding GMR Airports' rights to manage Nagpur airport.
印度最高法院驳回了印度政府和机场管理局就GMR机场对Nagpur's Babasaheb Ambedkar国际机场的管理提出的治疗性请求。 The Supreme Court of India has dismissed a curative plea from the government and the Airports Authority of India regarding GMR Airports' management of Nagpur's Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport. 法院维持了2022年的裁决,指出没有正当理由提出不符合法律标准的抗辩。 The court upheld its 2022 ruling, stating there were no valid grounds for the plea, which failed to meet legal criteria. 这项决定确认,GMR机场有权升级和经营机场,从而结束法律纠纷。 This decision confirms GMR Airports' rights to upgrade and operate the airport, concluding the legal dispute.